Places I’ve been

This series is a work that photographs the reality landscape as a vague illustration and tries to incorporate pieces of my memory.
They harmonize: gently rolling hills, grasslands continuing to the horizon, waterfronts and the untouched surrounding nature.
When I stand facing to the landscape without obstruction, my heart will be released. But this beautiful landscape becomes vague with time's passing.
Finally just a memory of shape and color of object remains without details . Layer by layer filling the archive of my memory.
These works consist of a deformed shape and a soft color.
It a distorted image unexpectedly representing the deeper layer of my memory and shows a new landscape hidden in the photograph.
But the image that appears by development is undeniably the projection of reality.

なだらかにうねる丘、地平線まで続く草地、水辺、そしてそれらを囲む手つかずの自然。 この場所ではそれらが美しく調和している。 特に、遮る物が無い空間を前にする時、私の心は解放されて行く。 しかし、その景色も時間が経つと次第に曖昧になり、やがてディティールを失い、フォルムと色彩だけが記憶として刻まれる。 そしていつものように私の記憶の引き出しに重なっていく。